Classes are held in our indoor training facility located at 14903 Center Street, Unit 103, Plainfield, IL 60544. Located near downtown Plainfield just north east of Route 59 and Lockport St.
To register for classes, please click here. If there is room in the class, we will email you an invoice to pay online
We Understand that everyone has different goals for training their dog, so we offer two different tracks to choose from. Pet track classes are for everyone looking to have a well mannered pet dog. Performance Track classes are geared towards formal or competitive obedience or for those looking to do a little more work with their dogs.
Classes available:
S.T.A.R. Puppy - (Pet track)
Puppies 5 months & under This AKC program addresses common puppy issues such as housebreaking, jumping and nipping, teaches all the basic cues such as sit, down, stay, recall and leash walking. Attend all 6 classes and pass all the test items and receive the S.T.A.R. Puppy certification. Must provide proof of initial parvo and distemper vaccine, and negative fecal before class.
Pre-Sport Puppy - This fast paced puppy class is geared toward people who hope to take part in agility or other dog sports in the future. As well as all the basic puppy items this class works self control and building drive, body awareness, desensitizing to noises and movement and also works crate games. Please contact Heather for more info.
Beginner Obedience (Dogs 5 months and up. We offer this class for both Pet and Performance Track- Please see schedule)- a basic beginner obedience class. Class will introduce all the basic cues (including sit, down, and stay), leash-walking, polite greeting, and recall.
Intermediate Obedience (We offer this class for both Pet and Performance Track- Please see schedule) -Prerequisite is Puppy or Beginner Obedience class. Class will continue to build on skills from Beginner class as well as working with distractions. To do Performance track Intermediate Obedience, dogs must have done a Performance track Beginner Obedience)
Advanced Obedience (Performance track)- Prerequisite is Performance track Intermediate Obedience class or Instructor approval. Class will build on skills from Intermediate Obedience class. Focus will be on refining heeling skills, recalls and stays. Class will prepare dog and handler for moving onto higher levels of obedience and rally.
Canine Good Citizen Class - Prerequisite is Intermediate Obedience class. This class covers all the skills needed for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test including leash walking, stays, recalls, greeting a stranger and separation. For more info on the CGC program please see http://www.akc.org/events/cgc/ or contact Heather.
Therapy Dog - Prerequisite is CGC. This class will help prepare you and your dog to earn Therapy Dog Certification. We work with wheelchairs and walkers, teach dogs to approach a person on cue, work on leaving food and other things included on Therapy Dog tests. Please contact Heather for more info.
Beginner Agility 1- Dogs taking this class must have a solid stay and recall and have done a group class. Dogs must also be able to be crated for periods of time in all agility classes. This class introduces a solid agility foundation and is safe for young dogs who aren't physically ready to jump, weave or perform full contacts. Class includes shadow handling, acceleration and deceleration, front and rear crosses on the flat, 2 on 2 off contacts, solid start lines, body awareness and much more.
Beginner Agility 2- This class takes all the skills learned in the Beginner Agility 1 class and starts sequencing on jumps.
Beginner Agility 3- Prerequisite is Beginner Agility 2. In this class dogs learn all the agility equipment and continue working on sequencing.
Novice Agility- Prerequisite is completion of Beginner Agility classes. In this class dogs will begin to piece together short courses.
Intermediate Agility - Prerequisite is completion of Novice class. In this class dogs will work on longer courses and more complex handling skills.
Advanced Agility - Prerequisite is completion of Intermediate class. In this class dogs will work on full courses and complex handling skills.
Tricks Class - There are many benefits to teaching your dog to do tricks. It can build confidence for shy and cautious dogs, provide an outlet for active dogs, keep senior dogs mentally fit, help facilitate interactions for therapy dogs, you can earn titles, and it is fun for you and your dog!
Tricks are a great way to build focus and strengthen your relationship while developing a better understanding of your dog's learning style.
Rally Obedience- Prerequisite is Advanced Obedience class or instructor approval. Rally obedience is a fun sport that allows you and your dog to learn new skills. It goes beyond basic obedience so your dog should have a solid foundation of basic skills. The object of Rally is to complete a course with obedience signs. In this class, we will work with the various venues where you may compete - AKC, UKC, CWags and APDT. Rally is a fun sport for dogs of all ages!
Nosework- Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and a natural desire to hunt. The sport of Nose Work is designed to develop your dog’s natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt and their love of toys, food and exercise. It’s a great way for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy. Requirements- Dogs must be 5 months of age or older. Dogs must also be able to be crated for periods of time in all Nosework classes.
Shy/Fearful Dog Class- This class is designed to help build confidence in dogs that worry about environment, people, dogs, and more. Your dog will learn important skills that can help him learn how to cope with stressful situations. Dogs of all ages welcome Instructor approval is required.
Reactive Dogs- For more information on getting help with a reactive dog, please email heather@whosaluckydog.com
Leash Walking in the Real World - This class meets outside to work on leash walking with increasing distractions.
Door Manners- Does your dog need help with self control when the doorbell rings or visitors come to your home?. Our Door Manners class can help!
Please bring a flat mat a and a clicker to class.
Sport Prep- This class works on skills needed before getting into dog sports. Focus with distractions, being calm in a crate, and stays and recalls with distractions are all included. Dogs must complete a basic obedience group class first
For scheduling private sessions or for more information, please email: Heather@whosaluckydog.com.